Recent News
January 16, 2025
Credit rating upgrade of Montgomery Public Schools - successfully administered by Rice Advisory.
The Montgomery County Board of Education, a new client of Rice Advisory, has been upgraded to “A+ (stable outlook)” by S&P Global Ratings (S&P). The Board has made calculated investments and improvements over the past four years, including the
successful passage of two school tax referendums. The system has shown steady improvement in every analysis metric over the last four years. The upgrade replaces S&P’s last rating of “BBB+”, which was assigned in 2021 when MCBOE emerged from more than four years of oversight by the Alabama State Board of Education. In assigning the A+ rating, S&P noted the school system’s “vastly improved and sustained financial position” and its “careful expenditure control, conservative budgeting and regular monitoring.” As a result of the leadership and vision of the Board and its senior administrative staff (as communicated effectively by Rice Advisory), S&P upgraded its rating, thereby enabling the Montgomery Public Schools to borrow at lower rates in the future.
December 5, 2024
Rice Advisory completes 62nd solid waste financing in fastgrowing Walton County, Florida
On December 5, 2024 Rice Advisory completed its 62nd solid waste financing with the closing of a $47,050,000 debt package for its client, MVM Landfill, LLC of Freeport, Florida. The successful financing provided funds for MVM’s acquisition of landfill and surface mining assets in rapidly growing Walton County, Florida. The deal structure consists of $28 million in tax-exempt bonds and $9.05 million in taxable bonds, both series of which were issued by the Capital Trust Authority (CTA), a public agency of the State of Florida. The remaining $10 million of the debt financing was completed in the form of a subordinated seller note. The non-rated bonds were sold to a group of institutional investors at fixed rates, with a 20-year term structure. After payment of all financing costs, MVM’s all-in total interest cost is 7.23%. No personal guarantees were required on any element of the financing and MVM was only required to provide $3.5 million in equity to its initial capitalization, therefore the debt package equates to approximately 93% financing of the project. In addition to the acquisition of the landfill and mining assets, the financing provided funds for the construction of two new waste cells, equipment and six months of capitalized interest.
May 7, 2024
Rice Advisory economic study leads to largest-ever incentive package of the City of Tuscaloosa
On May 7, 2024, the Tuscaloosa, Alabama City Council approved a $65 million incentive package for the redevelopment and revitalization of the old McFarland Mall property owned by Rice Advisory’s client. The package is the largest ever approved by the City of Tuscaloosa and will assist the developer with a project that likely never would have happened in the absence of municipal
government incentives. The project presently consists of a virtually empty 30 acres sitting at the “Gateway to Tuscaloosa” and bordered by I59/20, McFarland Boulevard/US 82 and Skyland Boulevard. The area surrounding the Project has economically lagged other areas of the community, but the redevelopment ahead will create hundreds of new jobs, immediate tax revenue to the City and new shopping, dining and hotel options for Tuscaloosa’s citizens and the hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city. Rice Advisory’s Economic and Municipal Impact Study ended up being the tool used by the Mayor, City Council, and their professional advisors to assess the potential tax revenues from the project. A portion of the new revenues will be abated in support of the project, but the majority of the taxes will flow to the City and other stakeholders in the Tuscaloosa community such as schools, hospitals and economic development initiatives.
October 12, 2023
Rice Advisory completes $33.3 million critical landfill acquisition financing for Shoals-area municipalities
Rice Advisory served as the financial advisor to the Solid Waste Disposal Authority of the Cities of Muscle Shoals, Sheffield and Tuscumbia, Alabama (referred to as the “Tri-Cities SWDA”) on a critical 2023 financing. Earlier in 2023, the operator of the only landfill in Colbert County encountered severe difficulties in managing leachate at the landfill site where the Tri-Cities SWDA had served as conduit issuer on a 2020 financing. Without the financial resources to adequately remedy the leachate problem, State of Alabama environmental regulators ordered the landfill closed. As a conduit issuer, the Tri-Cities SWDA did not have any financial liability for the existing financing, however the closure left the area without an industrial landfill. Stepping up to the plate, the three cities banded together as guarantors of a refunding issue and now operate the fully remediated site. Rice Advisory’s experience in the solid waste sector was instrumental in assisting the SWDA to obtain bond insurance and refinance the landfill at extremely attractive interest rates.
December 28, 2022
City of Madison, Alabama completes landmark economic development financing project.
The City of Madison, consistently the fastest-growing city in Alabama, engaged Rice Advisory in February 2021 to serve as the City’s Financial Advisor. By far, the highest-profile element of the engagement was assisting the City on the Town Madison development. This 563-acre development contains single-family homes, apartments, hotels, restaurants, retail, commercial office space, recreational facilities and is also home to Toyota Field, the home stadium of the Rocket City Trash Pandas AA baseball team. The City’s support of this project involved the creation of a cooperative district to finance infrastructure within the Town Madison footprint. In addition, the City financed construction of a major interchange connecting I-565 directly into and out of Town Madison. This $78 million financing capped off more than eight years of cooperative work and negotiations between the City and Town Madison’s developers. The baseball stadium, which opened in 2021, plus the hotels, restaurants, apartments, single-family homes and retail establishments that are already open at Town Madison have caused explosive growth in the City’s sales, ad valorem, lodging and liquor taxes. Because Madison is completely encircled by Huntsville (now Alabama’s largest city by population) the tax growth from Town Madison has occurred without discernable cannibalization of existing businesses.
December 14, 2022
Rice Advisory completes municipal facility financings for the City of Trussville, Alabama.
Working with the City of Trussville and the Trussville Public Building Authority, Rice Advisory crafted a financing solution that enabled the City to fund construction of a major addition to its Civic Center and to build a new fire station for this rapidly growing Birmingham suburb. The lease structure preserved the City’s AA+ (S&P) general obligation credit rating and left ample room under the City’s borrowing limits. The Series 2022-A and 2022-B Lease Revenue Bonds marked the 4th and 5th Trussville financings completed by Rice Advisory since 2020.
March 11, 2022
City of Troy’s credit rating upgrade - successfully administered by Rice Advisory.
The City of Troy, a long-time client of Rice Advisory, has invested heavily in industrial and commercial development in Troy over the past several years. Because of aggressive investments made by the City, two years ago S&P Global Ratings (S&P) downgraded the City’s credit rating. These calculated investments, incorrectly deemed “risky” by S&P, initially put downward pressure on the City’s debt rating. Regardless, the investments have now borne fruit with smashing success. Targeted recruitment and development efforts over the last few years helped land major new employers such as premium firearms maker Kimber Manufacturing, Rex Lumber, Clyde May Distillery, a new Publix supermarket, two new shopping centers, hotels, restaurants and a stunning upswing in residential and commercial construction activity that saw the number of building permits issued by the City more than quadruple over a two-year timespan. Expansions at Lockheed-Martin’s Troy plant (manufacturer of the famed Javelin missile system), Sikorsky Aircraft, KW Plastics, and others were made possible by the City’s investments. The City’s tax rates have remained unchanged, while tax revenues have exploded due to the growth. As a result of the leadership and vision of Troy’s Mayor and City Council (as communicated effectively by Rice Advisory), S&P restored the City’s A-rating (positive outlook), thereby enabling the City to borrow at lower rates in the future.
Febuary, 2022
Rice Advisory completes its 200th financial advisory evaluation for public school systems in Alabama.
Since October 2015, Rice Advisory has been engaged by the Alabama State Department of Education to evaluate each long-term financing transaction proposed by any of the 139 public school systems in the state. The work done by Rice Advisory gives the Department of Education, which is required by law to approve any debt issuance by an Alabama school system, a valuable tool to maintain law-imposed oversight. Rice Advisory's representation of the Department includes, among other things, assessment of the suitability, advisability, structure, compliance, repayment capacity, and professional fees associated with a proposed borrowing, so that the Department can make an informed decision to approve or modify a transaction. To date, the engagement has included work on transactions totaling almost $3.7 billion in par amount. Structural modifications, timing recommendations and fee adjustments advocated by Rice Advisory have resulted in millions of dollars in savings for K-12 systems in Alabama.
January, 2022
Major development in Madison, Alabama proceeding with guidance from Rice Advisory.
Under a contract executed in March 2021, Rice Advisory serves as Financial Advisor to the City of Madison, Alabama. In connection with the engagement, the firm has conducted extensive analysis of the ongoing development of Town Madison, a major mixed-used real estate project surrounding the City’s newly opened Toyota Field, home to the Rocket City Trash Pandas. As the City contemplates a significant public-private partnership with a private developer, Rice Advisory serves as a fiduciary for the City to aid in its decision-making process related to transportation infrastructure, tax analysis, proposed annexation, impacts to the City’s debt ratings and utilization of it financial capacity as these factors relate to the City’s participation in the project.
April 13, 2021
Rice Advisory completes $18,785,000 financing for major manufacturing plant expansion in Troy.
Since 2010, Troy, Alabama has been home to Golden Boy Nut Corporation, a subsidiary of Post Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: POST). Golden Boy manufactures peanut butter and associated products at the Troy facility, which lies within 150 miles of 70% of the peanuts grown in the United States, according to trade groups. In December 2020, Post announced the acquisition of the Peter Pan brand of nut butters, and subsequently announced that the line of products would be manufactured at the Troy facility, which Golden Boy leases from the Troy Industrial Development Board. To accommodate the increased production, Golden Boy required a major plant expansion from the existing 140,000 square foot facility to a nearly 300,000 square foot manufacturing and warehousing complex. Because of some unique characteristics of the lease, Rice Advisory was tasked not only with structuring the financing, but also with negotiating financial elements of the overall project agreement. The 2021 bonds also refinanced the existing debt on the plant and removed a significant debt burden from the balance sheet of the City of Troy, also a Rice Advisory client.
January 2021
Rice Advisory represents seller in $24 million landfill transaction in Laredo, Texas.
The City of Laredo, Texas has owned and operated a municipal solid waste landfill in Laredo for decades. The only other permitted landfill in the region is the Ponderosa Regional Landfill, owned by the Rice Advisory client Regional Land Management Services, Ltd. The Ponderosa Landfill enjoyed the competitive advantage as the "disposal site of the future" for the City and surrounding areas, and the City, whose landfill was nearing capacity, showed foresight in considering the acquisition of the Ponderosa Landfill. At the time of Rice Advisory's engagement, engineering reports estimated the Ponderosa Landfill's remaining airspace at approximately 88 million cubic yards, or likely over 100 years. Rice Advisory was engaged by the owners of Ponderosa Landfill to develop a forecast model and estimate of value, and to aid the client in its negotiations with the City of Laredo for the purchase of the site. Rice Advisory provided data in support of the narrative that the City's best course of action for controlling its own destiny in waste disposal would be to acquire the Ponderosa Landfill at a price that represented a fair deal for both Ponderosa's owners and the City. In a process that spanned in excess of four years, the parties came together and closed the transaction in January 2021. The sellers, which also own and operate the Laredo area's leading waste hauling business, received a fair price for the landfill, and the City achieved a generational solution for the waste disposal needs of its citizens.
September 1, 2020
Rice Advisory completes work on its 150th financing evaluation for the Alabama Department of Education.
Since October 2015, Rice Advisory has been engaged by the Alabama State Department of Education to evaluate each long-term financing transaction proposed by any of the 139 public school systems in the state. The work done by Rice Advisory gives the Department of Education, which is required by law to approve any debt issuance by an Alabama school system, a valuable tool to maintain law-imposed oversight. Rice Advisory's representation of the Department includes, among other things, assessment of the suitability, advisability, structure,
compliance, repayment capacity, and professional fees associated with a proposed borrowing, so that the Department can make an informed decision to approve or modify a transaction. To date, the engagement has included work on transactions totaling over $2.5 billion in par amount. Structural modifications, timing recommendations and fee adjustments advocated by Rice Advisory have resulted in millions of dollars in savings for K-12 systems in Alabama.
August 25, 2020
$82,575,000 refinancing project nets big benefit for the fast- growing City of Trussville, Alabama.
Rice Advisory led the initiative for the City of Trussville to take advantage of extremely low interest rates and refinance certain of its general obligation indebtedness. The Series 2020-A and 2020-B Bonds refinanced prior City debt, creating a net present value benefit of approximately $9.2 million. The proceeds will be used for new capital projects without any increase in the City's debt service. The refunding process also included the successful execution of the credit rating review, which resulted in the affirmation of Trussville's AA+ (Standard & Poor's) and Aa2
(Moody's) credit ratings, both of which place Trussville firmly among the most financially solid municipal governments in the U.S.
August 25, 2020
Vestavia Hills issues $24,060,000 in refunding bonds; maintains "AAA" Moody's rating despite pandemic.
Longtime Rice Advisory client Vestavia Hills completed a combined tax-exempt/taxable refunding that resulted in a net present value benefit of $2.7 million. The process administered by Rice Advisory resulted in the affirmation of the City's Aaa Moody's credit rating, the highest awarded, with Fitch Ratings assigning a rating of AA+. Rating agencies cited the strength of Vestavia's professional leadership, financial management and quality of municipal services as significant contributors to the high ratings. In addition, the strong local economy, growth of property values, expanding tax base and overall quality of life were emphasized as factors contributing to the very strong financial strength of Vestavia Hills. The City's ability to maintain and grow its municipal revenues and control costs during the COVID-19 pandemic were decisive in maintaining the ratings, which are among the strongest in the United States.
September 15, 2018
Rice Advisory completes work on its 100th financing evaluation for the Alabama Department of Education.
Since October 2015, Rice Advisory has been engaged by the Alabama State Department of Education to evaluate each long-term financing transaction proposed by any of the 139 public school systems in the state. The work done by Rice Advisory gives the Department of Education, which is required by law to approve any debt issuance by an Alabama school system, a valuable tool to maintain law-imposed oversight. Rice Advisory?s representation of the Department includes, among other things, assessment of the suitability, advisability, structure, compliance, repayment capacity, and professional fees associated with a proposed borrowing, so that the Department can make an informed decision to approve or modify a transaction. To date, the engagement has included work on transactions totaling over $1.5 billion in par amount. Structural modifications, timing recommendations and fee adjustments advocated by Rice Advisory have resulted in millions of dollars in savings for K-12 systems in Alabama.
September 5, 2018
$31,265,000 financing for much-anticipated projects in fast-growing Trussville, Alabama.
Rice Advisory recently provided high quality professional services to the City of Trussville on its $24,390,000 General Obligation Warrants, Series 2018-A and its $6,875,000 General Obligation School Warrants, Series 2018-B. Working with Stifel Nicolaus as underwriter and Bradley Arant Boult Cummings as bond counsel, Rice Advisory managed the transaction team on these successful financings that will provide funds for downtown redevelopment, road construction and public school improvements in this vibrant Birmingham suburb. Rice Advisory?s work included the coordination of the process to secure and maintain Trussville?s AA+ (Standard & Poor?s) and Aa2 (Moody?s) ratings, keeping intact the City?s standing as one of Alabama?s most highly-regarded municipal credits. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City on these transactions.
August 22, 2018
Vestavia Hills completes $55,770,000 financing for Community Spaces, other projects.
This 2018 financing provided funds for the enhancement of the already enviable quality of life in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, a thriving and well-managed suburb of Birmingham. Proceeds of the issue will fund Wald Park, community amenities in Cahaba Heights, and other community buildings; capital improvements to the New Merkel House; extensive construction, reconstruction, repair and rehabilitation of roads and streets throughout the City; capital improvements to stormwater infrastructure; construction of and improvements to public sidewalks in the City; and road capacity improvements, including needed improvements to Crosshaven Drive. Rice Advisory, working with sole managing underwriter Citi Global Markets and bond counsel Maynard, Cooper & Gale, was instrumental in structuring a financing that meets the City's needs and enhances the quality of life in the City. The firm administered the ratings process which resulted in an uptick from AA+ (stable) to AA+ (positive) from Fitch Ratings, and affirmation of the City's AAA rating from Standard & Poor's, solidifying the status of Vestavia Hills as one of the elite credits in the United States.
August 7, 2018
Rice Advisory leads complex $301,055,000 funding package for Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority's new stadium construction and arena renovation.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor on BJCC's aggregate $301,055,000 financing, the proceeds of which are financing the now-underway construction of an approximately 55,000-seat multi-purpose outdoor stadium and a floor-to-ceiling renovation of 19,000-seat Legacy Arena, both on BJCC?s campus in downtown Birmingham. This landmark financing, completed with six separate series of bonds, required the effort, cooperation and coordination of efforts by BJCC?s Board of Directors, senior staff and transaction team, working closely with the City of Birmingham, Jefferson County, the Alabama Legislature, the University of Alabama System, UAB and the most prominent players in the Birmingham area business community. Luxury suites, entertainment venues and other amenities not eligible for tax-exempt funding were financed via a direct placement with Regions Bank, which will also be a significant corporate partner of BJCC going forward. The transaction team included an underwriting syndicate consisting of Raymond James, Stifel Nicolaus, Loop Capital and Securities Capital Corporation, which completed the simultaneous sale of five of the six series of bonds, each with its own unique structural, security, tax, rating and legal characteristics. Maynard Cooper & Gale served as bond counsel, Waldrep Stewart & Kendrick served as counsel to BJCC and Porter, White & Co. served as co-Financial Advisor with Rice Advisory.
June 28, 2018
Kimber is moving to Troy, Alabama; Rice Advisory helps raise $22,900,000 to make it happen.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Troy to complete a tailor-made financing that provided funds to fulfill the City?s obligations with respect to this major industrial recruitment victory. After a vigorous and highly competitive site selection process, Kimber, one of the world?s largest manufacturers of premium firearms, is moving certain of its operations from Yonkers, New York and other locations to facilities in Troy, Alabama. A unique project agreement between Kimber and the City makes it possible for Kimber to fulfill its facility lease obligations with local jobs and payroll expenditures, rather than traditional rent payments. The City, which funded $22,900,000 of the project costs, expects a significant number of new jobs at the Kimber facility (certain minimums are required in the project agreement). In addition to the employment gains, the City expects increases in population, ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, public school enrollment and utility sales (the City owns its electric, water and sewer utilities, and has an ownership interest in the natural gas utility that serves the City). Rice Advisory administered a competitive bid process through which the uniquely-structured taxable debt was directly placed with Synovus Bank, which produced the lowest cost borrowing among numerous aggressive bids received.
January 2018
Rice Advisory is Alabama?s #1 municipal advisory firm again? 4th year in a row!
For the 4th consecutive year, Thomson Reuters has recognized Rice Advisory LLC as Alabama?s #1 municipal financial advisor. With over $894 million in completed transactions in 2017, Rice Advisory led all registered municipal financial advisors doing business in Alabama. The firm is also moving up in the Thomson Reuters national rankings, climbing to the 60th spot (in terms of par amount closed) among 506 registered municipal advisory firms in the U.S. Since the firm?s formation in 2010, Rice Advisory has successfully completed work on 159 financing projects totaling almost $5.5 billion in par amount.
December 28, 2017
Rice Advisory completes advance refundings for the City of Troy, Alabama ahead of tax law change.
Working against a December 31, 2017 deadline, at which time tax-exempt advance refundings were permanently disallowed pursuant to the 2017 federal tax reform law, Rice Advisory successfully managed two advance refunding issues for the City. The two issues, one a $5,720,000 general obligation and the other a $6,270,000 utility system revenue obligation, will result in net future budgetary savings of approximately $1.4 million for the City. Working with the underwriters, Rice Advisory was able to craft a structure that released a cash-funded debt service reserve account and replaced it with a surety bond issued by Assured Guaranty Municipal (which also insured the warrants). Rice Advisory served as financial advisor to the City on these issues.
December 20, 2017
$30,565,000 financing for a start-up business opening a newly-permitted landfill? Rice Advisory delivers.
Re-establishing its position as a leading financier of solid waste projects, Rice Advisory managed the $30,565,000 Tax-Exempt Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 issued by the Solid Waste Authority of Blythe Township, PA. Leading the top-tier working group that included Morgan Stanley as underwriter, Ballard Spahr as Bond Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright as underwriter?s counsel and others, Rice Advisory crafted an ideal public/private partnership that allowed the Township?s development partner, Schuylkill C&D, LLC (?Schuylkill?), to finance the cost of developing, acquiring, constructing and equipping an approximately 400-acre landfill just west of Philadelphia. After an arduous 14-year permitting process, Schuylkill and its predecessor faced a difficult financing environment before turning to Rice Advisory. When completed, the 20-year non-rated bonds provided close to 100% fixed rate project financing, with no guarantor liability to either the Township or Schuylkill. Morgan Stanley?s vigorous marketing effort resulted in several of the largest U.S. institutional investors participating in the issue. The landfill will result in needed municipal revenue for the Township and significant profit potential for Schuylkill. Rice Advisory served the Authority, the Township Schuylkill and its predecessor as financial advisor. The firm also believes the Blythe Township structure is repeatable in numerous U.S. states.
October 31, 2017
Prattville, Alabama?s rapid growth has put a strain on the city?s infrastructure. Rice Advisory is providing solutions.
The rapid eastward growth of Prattville, Alabama put a significant strain on the bustling city?s infrastructure, in particular the capacity of Prattville?s sanitary sewer system. The $15,505,000 Sewer Revenue Warrants, Series 2017 comprised the first element of a multi-faceted strategy to finance improvements in a planned sequence, using a number of financing mechanisms to tailor make the deal for Prattville. Working with the underwriter of the 2017 warrants, plus state officials and other financial partners, Rice Advisory has crafted a long-term solution for Prattville that will not only minimize overall borrowing costs but will also ease the strain of rate increases on the City?s citizens and ratepayers.
June 29, 2017
Rice Advisory serves as financial advisor on $556,620,000 financing for more Birmingham Interstate improvements.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor on the Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority?s aggregate $556,620,000 Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2017-A and 2017-B, which closed on June 29, 2017. Proceeds of this issue, rated AAA and Aa1 by Standard & Poor?s and Moody?s, respectively, are being used to fund construction of major improvements to the bridge, viaduct and ramp structures on the northern side of downtown Birmingham. Using the credit structure developed with the assistance of Rice Advisory in 2015 for Phase II of the State?s ATRIP highway improvement initiative, the Authority remains the only State of Alabama issuer with a stand-alone AAA rating from Standard & Poor?s. An underwriting syndicate led by Citigroup executed the very successful sale, completing a major financing that was partially delayed due to post-election 2016 market turmoil within the parameters required by the Alabama Department of Transportation.
April 1, 2017
Rice Advisory completes unique ?town and gown? financing for the City of Troy, Alabama and Troy University.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Troy to complete a unique financing that provided funds for a number of projects benefitting both the City and the University community. Building on a structure originally developed by the principals of Rice Advisory to finance the stadium expansion allowing Troy University to join the ranks of the NCAA?s Division I football programs, the 2017 financing was used to finance certain educational, cultural and recreation facilities located on the University?s campus, but available for the use and benefit of the City?s residents pursuant to a joint use agreement between the City and the University. Debt service is paid from the proceeds of an annually renewable $500,000 appropriation from the City. Because of the annual appropriation, only the current year?s payment obligation counts against the City?s debt limits. Because of the involvement of the University?s Foundation, the financing represents off-balance-sheet debt for the University and does not affect its ratings. Meanwhile, both the City and the University enjoy the benefits of the facilities that were built from the proceeds.
January 2017
Rice Advisory is Alabama?s #1 municipal advisory firm again? 3rd year in a row!
For the 3rd consecutive year, Thomson Reuters has recognized Rice Advisory LLC as Alabama?s #1 municipal financial advisor. With over $1.7 billion in completed transactions in 2016, Rice Advisory led all registered municipal financial advisors doing business in Alabama. The firm also moved up rapidly in the Thomson Reuters national rankings, climbing to the 38th spot (in terms of par amount closed) among 645 registered municipal advisory firms in the U.S. (up from 68th in 2015). Since the firm?s formation in 2010, Rice Advisory has completed work on 92 financings totaling over $3.7 billion in par amount.
December 15, 2016
Rice Advisory completes $628,715,000 first-of-its-kind financing to monetize Alabama?s BP settlement.
In December 2016 Alabama became the first state to successfully monetize its future settlement payments from BP resulting from the disastrous 2010 BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Upon creation of the Alabama Economic Settlement Authority by the Alabama Legislature (with input and technical assistance from Rice Advisory) the State set about to monetize annual payments due from BP in fiscal years 2018 through 2033. Proceeds of this issue were used to repay prior borrowings from the Alabama Trust Fund and Alabama Rainy Day Account and to provide funding for the Alabama Medicaid Agency. Additional proceeds will be used for ALDOT highway projects in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. The Authority?s BP Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2016-A and Series 2016-B are payable solely from BP settlement funds and the State has no liability whatsoever for repayment of the bonds. By monetizing the stream of settlement payments, Alabama received its funds in up-front cash and completely eliminated any exposure to future BP credit risk. Morgan Stanley led the underwriting syndicate, with Rice Advisory serving the State and the Authority as Financial Advisor.
December 15, 2016
Rice Advisory administers successful $4 million bank placement for Gulf Shores Utilities Board.
In December 2016 Rice Advisory led the successful placement of $4 million in bank debt for various refinancing and capital spending projects of the Utilities Board of the City of Gulf Shores, Alabama. Because of the intermediate term structure (10 years) and other factors Rice Advisory recommended a direct bank placement instead of a bond issue. In recent years, commercial banks have priced high-grade municipal loans very aggressively, in many cases outperforming bonds of the same tenor. In addition, bank placements typically feature much lower fees and expenses. In the case of the Gulf Shores Utilities Board, our firm developed an Invitation for Bids and then made a wide distribution among commercial banks operating in Alabama. A total of 11 bids were received, with the winning bidder coming in at 2.00% and, very importantly, no origination fee. With no underwriter?s discount, rating agency fees or regulatory costs normally associated with a bond issue, and with modest legal and advisory expenses, this bank placement resulted in a significantly lower all-in interest rate than similar bond issues priced under the same market conditions. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the Board on this transaction.
November 29, 2016
Rice Advisory serves as financial advisor on $236,395,000 financing for Birmingham Interstate improvements.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor on the Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority?s $236,395,000 Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2016-A, which closed on November 29, 2016. Proceeds of this issue, rated AAA and Aaa1 by Standard & Poor?s and Moody?s, respectively, are being used to fund construction of major improvements at the junction of I-65 and I-59/20 in downtown Birmingham. Using the credit structure developed with the assistance of Rice Advisory in 2015 for Phase II of the State?s ATRIP highway improvement initiative, the Authority remains the only State of Alabama issuer with a stand-alone AAA rating from Standard & Poor?s. An underwriting syndicate led by Citigroup executed a successful sale in a difficult market to complete this financing within the long-term parameters required by the Alabama Department of Transportation.
October 6, 2016
Rice Advisory completes $105,140,000 State of Alabama refunding, saving more than $11 million for taxpayers.
Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor on the State of Alabama?s $105,140,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016-C, which closed on October 6, 2016. The competitive sale, purchased by a syndicate led by Citigroup Global Markets, came in at an all-in total interest cost (TIC) of 2.18% and cut the State?s interest rate on the refunded debt by more than half. In addition to the savings, the State?s future aggregate debt service was restructured to eliminate budgetary variances in the near term, all without extending the maturity of the refunded debt. The State retained its Aa1, AA and AA+ G.O. ratings from Moody?s, Standard & Poor?s and Fitch, respectively, and with the completion of this sale, the State of Alabama is approaching $100 million in interest savings from a refunding initiative commenced in 2014. Rice Advisory has served as Financial Advisor to the State of Alabama for the duration of this measurably successful program.
July 14, 2016
City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama completes $11.8 million refunding/capital acquisition financing.
In July the City of Vestavia Hills completed an $11,810,000 financing, the proceeds of which were used (a) to refund the City?s 2009-A General Obligation Warrants at significant savings and (b) to provide funds to assist the Vestavia Hills Board of Education in its acquisition and renovation of the old Berry High School facilities. The Aa1 (Moody?s) and AA+ (Fitch) G.O. debt ratings were affirmed in connection with this transaction, which establishes the rapidly growing and well-managed City of Vestavia Hills as one of the elite municipal credits in Alabama and the United States. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Vestavia Hills on this transaction.
June 30, 2016
New $29,245,000 K-12 public school pool loan financing completed by Rice Advisory for the Alabama Public School and College Authority
On June 30, 2016, the Alabama Public School and College Authority (APSCA) closed on the sale of its $29,245,000 Capital Improvement Pool Bonds, Series 2016. Proceeds of the Pool Bonds will provide low-interest financing (fixed rate of 2.50% for 20 years) of various capital projects for eight public K-12 school systems across the State. Participating public school systems were Alabaster City, Arab City, Franklin County, Limestone County, Opelika City, Ozark City, Roanoke City and Shelby County. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the APSCA on this transaction.
Rice Advisory is Alabama?s #1 municipal advisory firm again? 2nd year in a row!
Once again, Thomson Reuters has recognized Rice Advisory as Alabama?s #1 municipal financial advisor. With over $767 million in completed transactions and a commanding 41% market share, Rice Advisory led the 18 registered firms in Alabama for the 2nd year in a row. With $717 million in financings already closed so far in 2016 (through April 30) the firm is on track to lead Alabama for a 3rd consecutive year. Since the firm?s formation in 2010, Rice Advisory has completed 66 financings totaling over $2.4 billion in par amount.
April 27, 2016
Rice Advisory leads historic debt restructuring for Troy Regional Medical Center
On April 27, 2016, the Troy Hospital Health Care Authority closed its $12,550,000 Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2016. Proceeds of this issue were used to refinance the Authority?s long term indebtedness, 80% of which was due to reprice within 18 months, for a 25-year term at a fixed rate more than 50 basis points lower than the refinanced debt. In addition to permanently eliminating the Medical Center?s interest rate volatility risk, the financing provided extensive relief to the City of Troy, which had previously provided an unconditional, full faith and credit guaranty of the Medical Center?s debt. By converting the unconditional guaranty obligation to an annual appropriation funding agreement, the new structure restored almost $12 million in general obligation borrowing capacity under the City?s constitutional debt limit. Rice Advisory also led the successful rating agency presentation that resulted in Standard & Poor?s awarding the bonds an ?A? rating on the Authority?s first-ever entry into the market in the hard-to-finance health care sector.
April 5, 2016
Rice Advisory manages $11,900,000 direct placement for Limestone County Schools; terrific savings result
On April 5, 2016, the Board of Education of Limestone County, Alabama closed its $11,900,000 Refunding Tax Anticipation Warrant, the proceeds of which were used to refund the Board?s Series 2006 Warrants. Because of the relatively short (8 year) term to maturity on the 2006 Warrants, Rice Advisory advocated for a competitive direct bank placement, rather than a bond issue, to maximize savings. The direct placement process turned out to be hugely successful. Commercial banks were invited to bid on the 2016 Warrant and BBVA Compass submitted the winning bid with a fixed rate of 1.59% and no fees. By reducing its rate from 4.05% to 1.59%, the Board will realize $1.45 million in interest savings between now and 2024, with net present value (NPV) savings of $1.25 million, or a hefty savings of 10.64% of the amount of debt refunded.
January 1 ? April 30, 2016
Rice Advisory continues to provide guidance and analysis for the Alabama State Department of Education
Effective October 1, 2015, Rice Advisory began an engagement as Financial Advisor to the Alabama State Department of Education. Under this engagement, Rice Advisory reviews, on behalf of the Department, each long-term borrowing proposed by local school systems in Alabama. Under State law, approval of the State Superintendent of Education is required before any local school system can issue bonds or execute certain other debt instruments. Since Rice Advisory?s engagement, this review and approval process has been significantly streamlined, not only for the Department, but also for school boards, underwriters, banks and legal professionals alike, and input from our firm has resulted in savings and efficiencies. Through April 30, 2016 Rice Advisory had evaluated 34 financings totaling over $560 million for K-12 school systems throughout Alabama.
March 17, 2016
Rice Advisory successfully manages innovative $4,780,000 financing for development in downtown Prattville
On March 17, 2016, the Historic Prattville Redevelopment Authority closed its $4,780,000 Redevelopment Bonds, Series 2016. Proceeds of this issue will be used to fund the renovation of the historic Daniel Pratt Mill (shown at left) in downtown Prattville. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the Authority on this transaction, and also led a very successful rating agency presentation that resulted in Standard & Poor?s bestowing a AA- rating on the bonds. When completed, the structure will be a multi-use facility with residential and commercial tenants. In addition, the renovations funded from proceeds of the bonds will allow the City of Prattville to relocate certain of its emergency management, police, fire, and information technology operations to the historic landmark.
March 8, 2016
Rice Advisory completes two financings for State of Alabama economic development projects and renovations to facilities of the Alabama National Guard
On March 8, 2016, the State of Alabama closed its $98,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016-A and its $26,695,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016-B. Proceeds of the 2016-A Bonds were used to fund certain of the State?s commitments with regard to economic development and job creation throughout Alabama. Proceeds of the 2016-B Bonds will be used to fund needed renovations to facilities of the Alabama National Guard. These highly successful financings were sold by competitive bid. Bank of America Merrill Lynch purchased the Series 2016-A Bonds at a true interest cost (TIC) of 2.69% and a final maturity in 2036. Wells Fargo purchased the Series 2016-B Bonds at a true interest cost (TIC) of 0.89% and a final maturity in 2021. The State retained its Aa1, AA and AA+ G.O. ratings from Moody?s, Standard & Poor?s and Fitch, respectively. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the State of Alabama on this transaction.
December 1, 2015
Standard & Poor?s upgrades rating on the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority for the 2nd time in 2015
On December 1, 2015 the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority (BJCC) announced that Standard & Poor?s had upgraded BJCC?s credit rating from ?AA-? to ?AA? with a ?stable outlook.? The rating upgrade, which came after a presentation process managed by financial advisor Rice Advisory, is the second for BJCC in 2015, and is reflective of BJCC?s continued strong operating performance and financial management. Earlier this year BJCC issued $47 million in bonds, with Rice Advisory serving as its financial advisor, to finance a number of renovation and upgrade projects at the complex and also refinanced existing debt, reducing its overall interest cost and generating millions of dollars in future savings. The new rating upgrade reflects BJCC?s most recent operations, which have continued to show strong performance. In their reports this year, rating agencies have cited BJCC?s ?healthy debt service coverage? and ?favorable ability to withstand economic cycles? among other positive factors. BJCC?s revenues and cash flows have improved very steadily since the recession. In addition, S&P cited the success of the Uptown Entertainment District, now 100% occupied, and the opening of the Westin Birmingham as important factors in the ratings decision. With the opening of the Westin, BJCC now offers over 1,000 on-site hotel rooms, a critical factor when competing for major conventions, sporting events and concerts. Usage and attendance numbers have shown strong improvements over a multi-year time horizon.
November 25, 2015
Rice Advisory completes $12,195,000 new issue for the City of Troy, Alabama Utility Systems
On November 25, 2015, the City of Troy, Alabama closed its $12,195,000 Water, Electric and Sewer Revenue Warrants, Series 2015. Proceeds of this issue are being used for a variety of capital improvements to the City?s three municipally owned utility systems. Each of the improvement projects will enhance the capacity, efficiency and operational strength of the City?s extremely well managed systems. Over the years, Troy?s leadership has wisely cultivated its very profitable utility systems, which allow the City to maintain the lowest tax rates in the region, while its citizens enjoy utility rates among the lowest in Alabama. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Troy on this transaction, and also led the successful rating agency presentation that resulted in Standard & Poor?s affirming the utility systems? underlying ?A? rating. The warrants were subsequently insured by Build America Mutual and marketed with an ?AA? rating from Standard & Poor?s.
October 29, 2015
Rice Advisory client Athens State University completes $8,040,000 refunding issue with direct bank placement
On October 29, 2015, Athens State University closed on $8,040,000 Tuition and Fee Revenue Bonds, Series 2015. Proceeds of the issue were used to refund a portion of the University’s Series 2007 Bonds, resulting in significant future interest savings. Because of its relatively short term to maturity and other considerations, the Series 2015 Bonds were structured as a direct bank placement with Regions Bank, and the University was able to eliminate many of the costs associated with an underwritten bond issue, such as the cost of underwriting discounts, ratings and other items. Rice Advisory served the University as its financial advisor on this successful transaction.
October 1 ? December 31, 2015
Rice Advisory begins work under an engagement with the Alabama State Department of Education
Effective October 1, 2015, Rice Advisory commenced its engagement as Financial Advisor to the Alabama State Department of Education. Under this engagement, Rice Advisory is responsible for reviewing, on behalf of the Department, each long-term borrowing proposed by local school systems in Alabama. Under State law, approval of the State Superintendent of Education is required before any local school system can issue bonds or execute certain other debt instruments. Since Rice Advisory’s engagement, this review and approval process has been significantly streamlined, not only for the Department, but also for school boards, underwriters, banks and legal professionals alike, and input from our firm has resulted in savings and efficiencies. Since October 1, Rice Advisory has evaluated financings for the K-12 school systems of Mountain Brook, Leeds, Pelham, Chickasaw, Tuscaloosa County, Wilcox County, Elmore County and Cleburne County.
September 25, 2015
Rice Advisory manages successful $9,205,000 refunding issue for the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama
On September 25, 2015, the City of Vestavia Hills, Alabama closed its $9,205,000 General Obligation Refunding Warrants, Series 2015. Proceeds of this issue were used to refund the City’s Series 2008 Warrants, a transaction resulting in more than 7% present value savings. Remaining proceeds went into a variety of municipal projects. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Vestavia Hills on this transaction, and also led a very successful rating agency presentation that resulted in Moody’s and Fitch respectively affirming the City’s Aa1 and AA+ ratings, which places Vestavia Hills among the most highly rated municipalities in the United States. Rice Advisory managed a competitive proposal process for the underwriting. In addition to the strong savings realized, total issuance costs for this issue (expressed as a percentage of par amount) were the lowest in Vestavia Hills history.
July 20, 2015
Rice Advisory completes $16,480,000 new issue for the City of Troy, Alabama
On July 20, 2015, the City of Troy, Alabama closed its $16,480,000 General Obligation Warrants, Series 2015. Proceeds of this issue were used, in part, to refund the City?s Series 2005 Warrants, a transaction resulting in more than 6% present value savings. Remaining proceeds went into a variety of capital projects, including infrastructure needed to facilitate the development of a major retail shopping area and new transportation corridor for Troy residents. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the City of Troy on this transaction, and also led a very successful rating agency presentation that resulted in Standard & Poor?s upgrading the City from ?A? to ?A+? in the process. As a percentage of the par amount of warrants issued, total issuance costs for this issue were the lowest in Troy?s history. Also, the all-in interest cost (TIC) on this financing was a record low for a 20-year Troy borrowing.
July and August, 2015
Rice Advisory continues to add new clients

In July and August 2015, Rice Advisory added three important new clients to its growing list. We are happy to report that the firm?s valued clients now include the Jefferson County Board of Education, Alabama?s 2nd largest school system, which operates 56 schools serving about 36,000 students. In July, Rice Advisory entered into a contract with Leeds City Schools to provide financial advisory services. This system operates an elementary, middle and high school in this thriving Birmingham suburb. In August the City of Fairfield entered into a contract with Rice Advisory under which the firm will perform a wide array of advisory services. With a population of approximately 11,000, Fairfield has a long history as a steel-producing industrial suburb key to the Birmingham area economy.
May 5, 2015
Rice Advisory completes three new issues totaling $128,020,000 for the Alabama Public School and College Authority
On May 5, 2015, the Alabama Public School and College Authority (APSCA) closed on the sale of its $33,635,000 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 2015-A, $47,610,000 Capital Improvement Pool Refunding Bonds, Series 2015-B and $47,775,000 Capital Improvement Pool Bonds, Series 2015-C. The Series 2015-A and Series 2015-B Bonds refunded APSCA bonds originally issued in 2008 and 2009 and will result in net savings of over $7.3 million to Alabama taxpayers. Proceeds of the Series 2015-C Bonds will provide low-interest financing of capital projects for seven public K-12 school systems across the State. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the APSCA on this transaction.
February 13, 2015
Rice Advisory client BJCC secures major rating upgrades
On February 13, 2015 Standard & Poor?s and Fitch Ratings each assigned their ratings of AA- (stable outlook) to the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority?s upcoming Series 2015 Bonds. Rice Advisory, which serves as BJCC?s financial advisor, was responsible for preparing, administering and leading the ratings presentation process, which included written analysis, live presentations and significant restructuring of legal documents and requirements designed to maximize BJCC?s future borrowing flexibility and reduce its borrowing cost. The new ratings represent significant upgrades from previous ratings, which had suffered by association in connection with widely publicized financial difficulties experienced by Jefferson County. In achieving the upgrades, Rice Advisory was successful in communicating the very strong credit, financial, operational and management characteristics of BJCC and to distinguish its performance and credit profile from that of the surrounding county. The rating upgrades represent a major accomplishment and an objective ?letter grade? on the performance, leadership and stewardship of BJCC?s Board of Directors and senior management.
February 12, 2015
Rice Advisory completes historic $533 million highway financing
On February 12, 2015 the Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority closed a $533,175,000 bond issue, marking the final phase of a major highway finance program. Rice Advisory served the AFAHFA as its financial advisor. The bond proceeds complete the $1 billion in funding for Gov. Robert Bentley?s signature Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program, or ATRIP. This program will fund much-needed highway, road and bridge projects in all 67 Alabama counties. In order to achieve the lowest possible interest rate on the ATRIP financing, landmark new legislation was passed to change highway finance structure in Alabama and negate market uneasiness related to federal funding. The new highway finance law, combined with Alabama's already conservative budgeting policies and procedures, resulted in the first-ever standalone ?AAA? rating (Standard & Poor?s) on a State of Alabama bond issue. The mid-January sale occurred as interest rates reached historic lows, resulting in one of the lowest-cost borrowings of this term structure ever completed in Alabama.
December 23, 2014
Rice Advisory named financial advisor to the City of Troy, Alabama
At its meeting on December 23, 2014 the City Council of the City of Troy, Alabama named Rice Advisory LLC as Troy?s financial advisor. The city, located in southeastern Alabama, is a thriving community that is home to the main campus of Troy University. Troy?s economy is remarkably diverse, with higher education, manufacturing, retail trade and transportation as the major drivers of local employment, and is one of the few cities in Alabama that owns its own electric utility system. Troy is home to facilities of defense contractors Lockheed Martin and Sikorsky Support Services, and the city is also a significant transportation hub, with U.S. 231 providing a major a north-south route connecting all of Alabama to northwestern Florida.
October 15, 2014
Rice Advisory named financial advisor to BJCC
The Board of Directors of the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority has named Rice Advisory LLC as its financial advisor. The Authority owns and operates the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex and Uptown Birmingham, an upscale dining and entertainment district adjacent to the BJCC in downtown Birmingham. BJCC's facilities include a 19,000-seat arena, 3,000-seat concert hall, 1,000-seat theater, two adjoining luxury hotels with over 1,000 guest rooms, 320,000 square feet of exhibit and meeting space, the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame and numerous other dining, entertainment and cultural venues. During its 2014 fiscal year, BJCC hosted 1,324 events and more than 1.2 million attendees. The Authority is one of the most successful and highly regarded issuers of debt securities in the Southeast, and Rice Advisory considers this engagement to be a distinct privilege.
September 1, 2014
Chris Williams and Belle Walker join Rice Advisory
Effective September 1, 2014, Belle N. Walker joined Rice Advisory. With over 30 years in municipal finance she has managed the structuring, issuance and closing of approximately $1.9 billion tax-exempt and taxable bonds in 35 states as financial advisor, underwriter, placement agent and remarketing agent, and also managed a variable rate demand bond (VRDB) portfolio totaling over $1 billion. In addition to her experience with bond finance, she also has significant experience with federal programs involving tax credits. In Walker's 15 years as Chief Compliance Officer, no material violations were noted by FINRA, SEC or MSRB. She was the first female management trainee for First Alabama Bank (now Regions Financial) and is a member of the National Association of Compliance Professionals and National Association of Professional Women. Walker attended St. Mary's College in Raleigh, NC and graduated from Troy University (BS in Finance, with honors). She currently holds FINRA Series 7, 24, 53, 28, 79, and 99 registrations.
Chris Williams also joined Rice Advisory on September 1, 2014. With more than 20 years of experience in public finance and related banking practices, Williams has served hundreds of clients as primary transactional banker. He is a skilled financial analyst with deep knowledge of finance industry rules, regulations and best practices. Williams is experienced in numerous public finance transactions such as state and municipal general obligation, revenue and lease-backed transactions involving various projects such as municipal infrastructure, utility systems, solid waste/environmental, higher education, health care, housing and industrial finance. Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Business Administration (cum laude) and a Master of Arts in Finance, both from the University of Alabama. His professional FINRA licenses include the Series 7, 24, 53 and 63.
August 6, 2014
Rice Advisory completes $187,085,000 G.O. Refunding
On August 6, 2014, the State of Alabama closed its $187,085,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014-A. Proceeds of this issue were used to refund a portion of the State's previously issued Series 2006 and 2007-A General Obligation Bonds. This highly successful refinancing resulted in total savings of over $20 million for the State, with the present value of the savings exceeding 9% of the par amount of the refunded 2006 and 2007-A Bonds. Wells Fargo Bank purchased the Series 2014-A Bonds via competitive bid at a true interest cost (TIC) of 2.13% and a final maturity in 2026. A total of seven syndicate bids were received by the State, which retained its Aa1, AA and AA+ G.O. ratings from Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch, respectively. This issue culminates a three-issue refunding program that will result in almost $72 million in net interest savings, with no extension of maturity, for Alabama taxpayers. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the State of Alabama on this transaction.
July 10, 2014
Rice Advisory completes $546,850,000 refinancing for State of Alabama
On July 10, 2014, the Alabama Public School and College Authority (APSCA) closed its $546,850,000 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 2014-B. Proceeds of this issue were used to refund a portion of APSCA's Series 2007 Bonds. The new issue reduced the net interest cost of the 2007 debt from 4.91% to 2.48%, without extending the maturity of the refunded debt, in a refinancing that will save taxpayers over $35 million in interest costs. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the APSCA on this transaction, the second-largest bond financing ever completed by the State of Alabama.
June 18, 2014
Rice Advisory completes $25,000,000 financing for ALDOT
On June 18, 2014, the Alabama Highway Finance Corporation (AHFC), a financing authority of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), closed its $25,000,000 Limited Obligation Highway Revenue Bond (Direct Loan), Series 2014. Proceeds of this issue will be used to fund the State's Rural Assistance Match Program (RAMP) that will provide the matching funds so that 21 rural Alabama counties can participate in major highway projects slated for the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (ATRIP). The new issue was directly placed with PNC Bank via a competitive bid process at a net interest cost of 1.70%. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to AHFC on this transaction.
May 28, 2014
Rice Advisory completes $80,065,000 financing for State of Alabama
On May 28, 2014, the Alabama Public School and College Authority (APSCA) closed its $80,065,000 Capital Improvement Pool Refunding Bonds, Series 2014-A. Proceeds of this issue were used to refund APSCA's Series 2007 Bonds. The new issue reduced the net interest cost of the 2007 debt from 4.37% to 2.27%, without extending the maturity of the refunded debt, in a refinancing that will save taxpayers approximately $16 million in interest costs. Rice Advisory served as Financial Advisor to the APSCA on this transaction.
May 2014
Grand Opening of Runaway Island Beach Bar & Grill
Rice Advisory was privileged to serve as Financial Advisor to RI Beach LLC, the owner and developer of Runaway Island Beach Bar & Grill. Rice Advisory arranged debt financing for land acquisition in late 2012, and secured $3.5 million in construction/permanent financing for this beachfront project, which is located on Front Beach Road in Panama City Beach, Florida. Runaway Island is a joint venture of longtime Panama City Beach restaurateur Neel Bennett and AlaTex LLC, a Cullman, Alabama-based diversified investment company. Rice Advisory was successful in securing low interest, long term, fixed rate debt for this project in a hard-to-finance sector.
November 2013
Rice Advisory Named Financial Advisor to the State of Alabama
Pursuant to a long-term contract with the Alabama Department of Finance approved by the Legislative Contract Review Committee and Governor Robert Bentley, Rice Advisory was named Financial Advisor to the to the State of Alabama. In connection with this engagement, Rice Advisory manages the State's general obligation debt financing program in addition to the financings of the State's largest issuers of tax-exempt bonds, including the Alabama Department of Education, the Alabama Department of Transportation and numerous other agencies, boards and authorities of state government.
October 1, 2013
EcoSouth Services opens industrial landfill in Mobile County
Rice Advisory client EcoSouth Services LLC opened its landfill in Axis, Alabama, just north of the City of Mobile. The disposal site, acquired from Mobile County in November 2012, is located in the highly industrialized U.S. 43 corridor and accepts waste material from a wide array of customers in the area. Leading up to the opening, Rice Advisory secured approximately $4.2 million in debt and equity financing for the acquisition, development and equipping of this site, which includes synthetically lined industrial waste disposal areas in addition to areas for the disposal of construction and demolition debris.
September 2013
Rice Advisory Named Financial Advisor for City of Montgomery
Rice Advisory was named financial advisor to the City of Montgomery, Alabama and the Montgomery Riverfront Development Foundation in connection with the proposed redevelopment of municipally owned property in historic downtown Montgomery. In connection with this engagement, Rice Advisory coordinated an extensive working group on a project that included a number of non-profit community groups, New Markets Tax Credits, bank debt and a capital campaign.
Where to Find Us
Montgomery Office

250 Commerce Street, 3rd Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
334-262-1035 office
334-652-3583 cell
334-240-0409 fax